About the sprout...
Unbelievably, for Christmas last year, someone had the gall to knit and present me with a grumpy sprout.
I'm NOT grumpy. I'm 60, with strong opinions. I'm unwilling to see incompetence go unchallenged and rubbish go unbinned. But on the plus side, I want to see good things get their just rewards. How's that 'grumpy'?
I research purchases diligently. Try to grab bargains and avoid rip-offs. Ensure that due compensation gets paid when needless cock-ups inconvenience me. And praise great quality or service to the rafters!
I constantly ask questions and look for value and, when I find it, I'll let you know. It's what grumpy sprouts do best.
I hope you blooming appreciate it...

Good, bad and indifferent deals for over 50s kids
Everything that irritates or delights in shops, the media, entertainment, gadgetry, sport,
the weather, people, TV, attitudes, politics, health, drinking, smoking etc.
LIFE through a grumpy icon's sceptical specs (big 'smiley')...

About the reviews
My reviews are often quirky, usually entirely subjective and sometimes 'politically incorrect'. They reflect my experiences and my requirements. They won't be everyone's cup of tea!
You'll find them more emotional than purely factual - I'm not seeking balance and fairness here, just personal impressions. And sometimes these impressions won't have cold facts to back them up!
Unlike many review sites that strive for 'fairness', these articles offer insights that you'd never get unless we had a beer together (which I'd not hesitate to take back if sub-standard)...